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MacDonald Dressage

'Tis time to be Thankful

November is known for lots of things: No-Stirrup November, the time change (yuck!), and gorging ourselves on turkey and pie. This is the time we remind ourselves to look around and be thankful for what we have and where we are.

Except for the time change. Who would ever be happy to have to ride under lights at 5pm? Not horse people, that's for sure.

When we look around, equestrians are the luckiest. We have a passion in life. We know how to work hard, even when the reward is a clean barn or a 50 cent ribbon. We get to enjoy these animals in our lives and time spent outside. So what are we thankful for?

I am thankful for a barn full of wonderful clients, students and horses.

I am thankful that I get to work with happy, healthy lesson horses who enjoy their job.

I am thankful for the wealth of knowledge our vet, farrier and barn staff have that keeps our horses at their best and the barn running smoothly.

I am thankful for healthy young horses who I will get to watch grow up through the levels.

And selfishly, I am thankful for my partner and family who made it possible for me to have attend 13 shows this season, 5 with my own horse. It takes a village and having someone who can hold down the fort while we are off chasing dreams is what makes this possible.

Oh, and I'm thankful for Pomme.

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