2024 was one for the books! In 2024 our riders were successful in venues from schooling shows all the way to the WDAA World Show. As the year closes, we have 6 horses reviewing Horse of the Year ribbons in 12 categories! We could not have asked for a better season and couldn't have done it without the support of clients, family members, support staff at home, my own parents and very my supportive partner.

We are looking forward to another fantastic year of showing with our riders at MacDonald Dressage. We are looking forward to new challenges and new levels. I hope that we have offered an array of shows for riders at all levels and abilities.
Useful Links:
Online and Schooling Shows
Schooling shows are a great place to gain mileage as a horse and rider team, whether it’s your first season together or gaining practice at a new level. We attend schooling shows that are affiliated with Houston Dressage Society which gives riders the opportunity to show in the HDS Schooling Show Championships in December.
Attending schooling shows in an opportunity for all of our riders who meet our minimum requirements. Show leases are available to students who do not lease or own their own horse. All riders must commit to a minimum of 2 lessons per week in the two weeks leading up to the show. This is for the safety and confidence of our riders and showing in a new environment is always more difficult than riding at home. Our goal is to set everyone up for a successful day out. Keep in mind that horse showing is a full day activity, usually beginning before the sun is up and ending after dark. Riders are expected to take care of their own horses from loading up to go to the show until the horses are unloaded in their stalls back at home.
Qualifying Requirements for the HDS Schooling Show Championships
• Rider must be a member of HDS for 2025 and 2026
• Horse/rider teams must earn 2 qualifying scores at 2 HDS recognized shows
• Scores may be any test of the level. Championship classes will be the highest test of the level.
• Qualifying scores
o Introductory Level: Open 63%, AA/Jr/YR 59%
o Training Level: Open 62%, AA/Jr/YR 59%
o First Level: Open 61%, AA/Jr/YR 58%
o Second Level: Open 60%, AA/Jr/YR 57%
o WDAA: Open 62%, AA/Jr/YR 59%
For riders who would like judges feedback without the expense involved in hauling to a show, we are participating in a range of Online Showing opportunities. Last year was our first year to dive into the world of Online Shows, with terrific results. Not only does it allow the horse and rider to practice tests from the comfort of home, riders receive ribbons and feedback from real judges! You will need some ground support in setting up a regulation arena and having a camera person.
Online shows are often WDAA Rated, so with the proper memberships, scores will qualify teams for the WDAA World Show and Lifetime points.
Memberships Required: None

USDF Rated Shows
USDF Rated shows are a jump in expectations and offer classes from Training level through Grand Prix. Introductory level classes are Opportunity classes, equivalent to a schooling show and not eligible for championships or year end awards. At this level, you are showing off your abilities and partnership, not practicing your showing skills. As a team, you should be schooling one level above the level you will be showing. Success is related to commitment, so riders showing at the rated show level should be riding a minimum of 4 days per week (not all in lessons). Showing at this level is akin to being on a travel team in soccer, softball or cheerleading nd is a full time commitment. USDF Rated shows work towards qualifying for the Region 9 Championships, hosted at GSWEC in Katy, TX.
Memberships Required: USEF, USDF, HDS (for year end awards)
Qualification Requirements for USDF Region 9 Championships:
• Rider must have USEF, USDF memberships
• Horse must have USEF lifetime membership, USDF Lifetime membership
• Horse/Rider team must earn a total of two qualifying scores in two USEF/USDF Rated shows.
• Scores must be earned in a USDF Qualifying Class, which should be the highest test of the level.
WDAA Rated Shows
WDAA Rated Shows are available in several levels, from online shows all the way to the World Championship Show. WDAA recognized online and schooling shows as a chance to qualify for the World. There are also USEF rated Western dressage shows to qualify for the World Show and scores become part of your horse’s permanent record. If you are working towards the World show, a 4 ride per week commitment is expected for horse and rider to be fit and confident enough for a 5 day show.
Tests are available online at www.westerndressageassociation.org
Memberships Required: WDAA, USEF (optional)
Qualification Requirements for WDAA World Show:
• Rider must have USEF and WDAA memberships
• Horse must have Lifetime Number
• Introductory and Basic levels must earn a 63% or higher at a WDAA Rated Show.
• Levels 1 and higher must earn a score of 60% or higher at a WDAA Rated Show
• No qualifying requirements for rail classes or freestyle
We hope we can help you reach your goals in 2025! Ride on!
